
Active Shooter Training

The very words bring a chill to our being. Our thoughts immediately turn to innocent men, women and children being savagely slaughtered by psychotic monsters who show no mercy. No place in our country are we safe from this significant danger. Churches, schools, shopping malls, theaters, business establishes, public events are all now killing fields for the demented.

Coulson and Associates has significant experience in providing services and Active Shooter Training for any institution and can substantially increase the chances for survival.

Our training includes:

  • The Basic Theory of Security
  • Notification process and procedures
  • Physiology of an Active Shooter – How do you use this knowledge to survive?
  • Immediate action to be taken
  • Principles of Lock Down and Evacuation
  • Maximize the response of Law Enforcement
  • Resistance – what works and what does not.
  • Survey of the facility to maximize evacuation and lock down – Each individual will know exactly what their action should be irregardless of where they happen to be in the facility at the time of inception.

At this moment monsters are planning to create killing fields.
They show no mercy. What are you doing? 

Domestic & Foreign Investigations

Coulson and Associates conduct investigation for firms in the United States and abroad. Our team conducts investigations for firms in the United States and abroad.

  • Due Diligence Services
  • Reference Verifications
  • Background Investigations
  • Agency Inquiries

Established Global Connections

  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
  • The Middle East
  • Europe
Corporate Security Assessments

In today’s environment where security is an international concern, it is important to design a security program that is threat related. Coulson and Associates have experience internationally and domestically in very high threat protection programs, and also the more covert type of security often preferred by corporate executives, athletes and entertainers.

Our services focus on key personnel and family members to insure that they are aware of proper security protocols. This includes driving training, situational awareness, and personal protection techniques. It is important for principals to understand the security techniques that will be used by their details.

  • Dignitary Protection of key Personnel
  • Facility Security Assessments
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Residence Security Assessments
  • Dignitary Protection Training for Private entities, Families, Government Security Agencies and the Military

Established Global Connections

North America
Central America
South America
The Middle East

Electronic Counter Measures

Coulson and Associates have the ability to conduct the most sophisticated electronic counter measures sweeps in the United States. Coulson and Associates can provide assessments of corporate needs for video security systems, access control and intrusion detection systems.

Our technicians are familiar with the price point of virtually every piece of security equipment in the world. Additionally, Coulson and Associates will supervise the installation of equipment in order to protect the client’s investment.

Our company does not sell or service security equipment. We provide to clients an authentic assessment of security needs and then we help to secure bids that are based entirely upon need. Coulson and Associates have been able to save clients hundreds of thousands of dollars by evaluating other companies bids for electronic security equipment.

Our firm will insure that our clients have only the equipment that they realistically need and then insure the best prices.

Established Global Connections

  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
  • The Middle East
Educational Security Assessment

Coulson and Associates take the greatest care in establishing effective safety measure for levels of educational institutions from Universities to Public and Private Schools. This includes an assessment to improve response to “Active Shooter” situations as well as, internet safety lectures for parents and students.

Established global connections, specializing in:

  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
  • The Middle East
International Investigations

At Coulson and Associates we have excellent coverage throughout Mexico, Central and South America. We can conduct investigations, provide personal and corporate security personnel to include transporation with armed security personnel. Coulson and Associates also conducts investigations for firms in the United States.

Established Global Connections
North America
Central America
South America
The Middle East

Executive Protection

Coulson and Associates provide executive protection training and evaluation of existing security programs to corporations and individuals throughout the world. This includes professional athletes, government officials and individuals in the entertainment world. Our company is currently under contract with governments in Central America to provide security for heads of state and to train their security teams. We work with the teams in actual protective situations to make evaluations and to provide training advice.

Coulson and Associates training can be tailored to governmental security teams and smaller teams associated with private corporations and individuals. One person bodyguard training is also provided.

Danny Coulson

Computer Forensics Investigation

Our technicians at Coulson and Associates conduct forensic examinations of computer systems, individual computers to insure complete security of your data bases.

Coulson and Associates also offer services to identify and protect against internet stalkers. This includes security briefings for families and includes the children who are at risk.

Established Global Connections

  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
  • The Middle East
Public Events Assessment and Security

Services and Security Considerations for Public Events

The violence and disarray of today’s society has brought new focus on the need for comprehensive security at public events.  More and more, we as a nation are targeted for acts of violence.  Any plan for a public event must include security considerations. There are legal and ethical consequences for not providing security for participants and attendees.

Our firm has extensive experience in planning and helping to manage public events in the United States and abroad.

Our Experience

Summer and Winter Olympic Games
NFL Super Bowl
The Pan Am Games
The US Open
The Presidents Cup
NBA Championship Series
NBA All Star Games
MLB All Star Games
MLB World Series
World Cup Qualifier Events

It is our practice to analyze the treat level for an event and develop a comprehensive plan for security.  Coulson and Associates maximize the Security Product while maintaining a friendly inviting atmosphere.

Expert Testimony

Mr. Coulson has testified in both Federal and State Court proceedings regarding violent actions against public facilities. The violent nature of the world we live in today often breeds law suits against public venues and private businesses. Years of experience in government and the private sector has prepared Mr. Coulson to render well reasoned opinions and testimony on these violent attacks. His recent testimony in the Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater Shooting assisted in securing a judgment for the defense where the court found no liability for the Theater for the actions of a mad man.